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Meet The Team

We are immensely proud of our business and the people within it.  

The Fleetview Solutions team are focussed on providing your business with complete control of your fleet operations and with a wide range of additional insights and reporting analysis we can help you implement business efficiences, improve the customer experience and gain real financial savings.


Jez joined the business as a Partner in 2021. After a successful career in the corporate worlds of Sports Events, Telecoms and Telematics, Jez takes o


Benji joined Fleetview in 2013 and appointed as Director in 2021. His key focus is managing the Sales Team and ultimately the growth of our ever-expan


Susan Co-Founded Fleetview with Simon and has worked in the telematics arena since 2006. This followed a successful management career at the Automobil


Simon Co-Founded Fleetview with Susan in 2006 after 30 years in the automotive sector. After assembling a team and Directors to help drive the busines

Technical Consultant

Tony has been working in the automotive industry since 2004, with a focus on telematics for the past 10 years. He has experience with a range of produ


Lottie is Fleetview’s mascot, she spends her days sunbathing by the window and accepts a sizeable paycheque of belly rubs and dog biscuits.